Dengue fever is a mosquito borne infection. It is spread by a species of mosquito called Aedes aegypti, sometimes known as the ‘Asian tiger mosquito’ due to its striped appearance. It normally bites during the day.
Most infections occur in SE Asia, South and Central America, Mexico, Africa, Indian sub-continent, Hawaii and the Pacific, however Dengue is now emerging outside of the tropics and infections have now been reported in France and Spain as well as other countries across Europe.
Urban areas tend to be higher risk than rural areas as the Dengue carrying mosquito likes to breed in stagnant water such as drainpipes, old tyres, cans and flowerpots that collect rain.
If infected with Dengue Fever, symptoms include a high fever, headache, possibly nausea and vomiting. Three to five days later a rash may appear on your trunk. It can make you feel very unwell and there is no specific treatment. If Dengue is caught for a second time, the symptoms can be more serious and potentially fatal in some. The only way to diagnose Dengue Fever is to have a blood test, therefore if you suffer flu like symptoms while abroad or after returning home, seek medical advice urgently.
The JCVI has recommended that the following groups could be offered the Qdenga® vaccine:
Individuals aged 4 years of age and older with confirmed dengue infection in the past who are:
planning to travel to areas where there is a risk of dengue infection or areas with an ongoing outbreak of dengue
are exposed to dengue virus through their work, for example, laboratory staff working with the virus
The vaccine schedule is 2 injections 3 months apart. If it is not possible to complete the course prior to travel then one dose can be given and will provide approximately 81% protection against all serotypes of Dengue infection until the second dose is given.
2 doses 3 months apart
Qdenga® is contraindicated in:
Pregnant women
Breastfeeding women
Immunocompromised individuals
Those with hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine
Children under 4 years of age
Individuals with no previous dengue infection should not currently be offered the Qdenga® vaccine in the UK.
2 doses
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