Hepatitis A is mainly spread via contaminated food and water. It can be found world wide . Those at higher risk include travellers visiting friends and relatives, long term travellers and those exposed to conditions of poor sanitation. ( See Hepatitis A page for more details)
Children aged 6 and under often have very mild symptoms, the disease is more severe in adults.
Symptoms include tiredness, lack of appetite, sickness and high temperature, followed by jaundice. Recovery is usually within a month but some people can go on to develop on going liver problems.
Hepatitis B is a viral disease affecting the liver, spread by contaminated blood and body products. It occurs world wide. ( See Hepatitis B page for more details)
Travellers can be exposed during dental or medical treatment, by direct contact between open skin lesions, during unprotected sex, contact sport or needle sharing.
Hepatitis A vaccine is well tolerated and gives long lasting protection.
Individuals at continued risk of Hepatitis B infection should have a single Hepatitis B booster 5 years after the primary immunisation
Combined Hepatitis A & B vaccine:
Standard schedule: 3 doses 0, 1 and 6 to 12 months
Accelerated schedule ( aged 18 years and over): 0, 7 and 21 days, 12 months
2 dose schedule ( children aged 1 to 15 years at low risk during the vaccine course) 0 and 6-12 months.
Must not be given to anyone with a past allergic reaction to any component . Postpone vaccination if someone has a feverish illness until recovered.
Injection site redness, nausea,headache, malaise
3 doses
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