01306 884444

Travel Vaccinations

Cholera (oral ) Vaccine


Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated food and water with a bacteria called Vibrio cholerae.

It is mainly found in Africa  and Asia.

Most travellers will be at low risk of severe disease if they follow basic hand washing and food hygiene principles.

Vaccination may be recommended for  aid workers, volunteers and healthcare workers travelling to disaster zones and areas of poor sanitation where cholera outbreaks are likely.

Symptoms include painless, watery diarrhoea that can quickly lead to severe dehydration if treatment is not received promptly.

Cholera vaccine is an inactivated oral vaccine .

You should not have the vaccine if you have had an allergic reaction to the cholera vaccine or any of the vaccine components in the past or if you are currently suffering from an acute gastrointestinal or feverish illness.

Adults and children from 6 years : 2 doses with an interval of at least 1 week between them. Booster at 2 yearly intervals

Children aged 2 to 6 years: 3 doses with an interval of at least a week between.                              Booster dose at 6 monthly intervals                                                              

Please ensure that you do not eat or drink for one hour before or after receiving the Cholera vaccine.

Gastrointestinal upset.



Applicable Countries

  • Africa
  • Asia


2 doses

Price Per Dose


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Registered in England & Wales. Company Number: 9474519. Registered Office: 45 South Street, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 2JX.